Hey you! Yes, you! HERE YOU HAVE! The album that we have had in the making for so long at last it's released,
and we are very proud of it! Adjust your earphones/speakers/your drug here, set up the volume, and prepare
yourself to be assaulted by us, and at the top of it, TO HAVE FUN AND ENJOY IT! Or at least we hope you do, as
much as we did making it!
We have put a lot of effort, love, hearing loss and everything into this job, and we consider it one of our
best works up to date. And, if the circumstances permit it, we hope to sing it to you live anytime, of course!
But for the moment, you have it here, at Bandcamp,
at Spotify,
at Apple Music and more!
Hey there! Yes, we are alive, haha! We are now in a low-profile time due to a demanding period at our jobs mainly, but it does not mean we have stopped, and even less thought about it. In fact, we are working on our 5th album already!, but we want to release something excellent, so maybe we last a little.
In the meanwhile and to shake off the dust we are going to play supporting our great friends of HASSWUT on 12th May 2018 at Paberse Matao, so you can come to see us. It will be a night of great industrial music and lots of fun!
You can't miss it, seriously!
See you there!
Sooo, do you want to see A.T.Mödell's energic live together with a whole bunch of other cool bands, DJs and performances, and additionally want to have lots of things to do and/or watch in a post-apocalyptic themed two-day event with many activities like survival games, Mad Max-like battles and characterization, airsoft and the like? Come to LUNA NEGRA then! You can't miss it, seriously! Just look at the line up, it's going to be tremendously fun!
See you there!
Finally! "Epic Nightmares", the 4th album from us, has seen the light (or the darkness, your choice). 13 songs of sheer dark electro-metal/industrial to pierce your mind and praise the World of Dreams and Nightmares, and just in time to enjoy them for Halloween/Samhain. Download it HERE (zip), or access file by file all the songs HERE (mp3 directory)or go to the Music section to play them in out flash player, read the lyrics and much more.
We hope you enjoy it!
The song: "Nightlings", and it speaks about recently turned creatures of the night. The lyrics are embedded in the video, of course.
We hope you enjoy it!!
Watch it HERE: www.youtube.com/watch?v=AfsnN6_kAFA
Go and listen to it HERE: www.youtube.com/watch?v=LjUX03XViKE
We are so glad that we are surpassing the quality of the last one that we can't hardly wait to show you things of it, but you (and we) will have to be a little more patient (not very much, but we hope a pair of months seems reasonable to you).
Stay in touch!!
Read it until the end because it is interesting and... well, you will know what is our decision, and maybe you have a good surprise. It's in both english and spanish, and we put it on Facebook for a better distribution. It's a public post, so you should not have problems reading it even if you don't have an account there.
Read the whole thing HERE.
At last, our third studio album is OUT! You can listen to it or get it through
Google Play,
Deezer, Rhapsody and Wimp.
Listen to it and experience more than a year of effort and hard work condensated in 66 minutes and 66 seconds of powerful and hard music where we have put
all our best to please YOU. We hope you enjoy it as much as we did elaborating it!
Moreover, we have one more review (in spanish), this time from the great music blog La Letra Capital. Don't miss it!
Here's the promised surprise: as an appetizer for the album «WIRED FOR EVIL» due to be out on 1st Oct 2014, we have released a single with the songs "Wired for evil" and the new one "With a smile"! You can listen to them at Spotify, or get them at Amazon, iTunes, Google Play and other services!
But that's not all: the well-known music webzine Brutal Resonance has put its hands (or its ears) on a preview of our album and they have reviewed it with great pleasure for us. Check it out HERE!
Watch the trailer HERE. And visit www.wiredforevil.com to know more in the days to come. Also visit our Facebook page at www.facebook.com/atmodell. Stay tuned, because we are preparing another surprise before the release date of the album. We are WIRED FOR EVIL!
Watch our sheer evilness and destruction here: "Wired for evil". We warn you: it's gory, violent and, of course, it has lots of fun!
Follow us close! And don't forget to check www.wiredforevil.com, our Facebook page at www.facebook.com/atmodell and this website, our official one, for news!
Teaser #01 of the album"Wired for evil"
And don't forget to check www.wiredforevil.com now and then!
For the moment, a new promo web is up: www.wiredforevil.com, where we will be putting goodies, teasers and news about the album. Bookmark it and visit it from time to time!
You can't miss it if you live in Madrid! On 12th October we will be supporting SUICIDE COMMANDO at Sala Arena (ex-Heineken) and we are preparing a good show for that day!
Moreover we have been quiet, but that doesn't mean we have been idle. We are working on our new album and we will be giving you more info along the way. Check our news from time to time, you won't want to miss our updates!
If you live in Madrid, Spain, or you can go there on 12th October, you have an appointment you can't miss! A.T.Mödell is going to support the mythical band SUICIDE COMMANDO in the only gig it will be played in Spain by the Johan van Roy's project after 5 years from the last time they came to the country!
And, moreover, we will be presenting our newest album "Apocalyptophilia" to the public! The place will be Sala Arena, and the party will start at 20:00. It will be GREAT!!
AT LAST!! After a long time of anticipation and preparation, today, 24th may 2013, 'APOCALYPTOPHILIA' hits the streets! We put a lot of effort and work in this album, and we got rewarded by the result! We hope you like it as much as we do!
You can listen to advanced songs and the album trailer at the MEDIA section. Let's go!!
You can hear this one and many more in the album "Apocalyptophilia", to be released this very friday 24th may!!
Go to the media section to hear it and/or download the video, or watch it on [Youtube]
All of these things are now under an easy, nice interface which is, moreover, completely compatible with mobile phones as well as tablets on Android, Windows Phone and iOS.
Feel free to navigate it!
Watch it on Youtube or download it HERE
Check for it at our "Media" section!
After some weeks of conversations and having all well put for the release of the next album, we announce that we have signed with Danse Macabre Records and we will release our next album "Apocalyptophilia" with them on 24th May 2013!
We guarantee intensity, power and a lot of loudness! We made an album that we sweat until the last chord to bring the best result, and we hope you like it as much as we do!
The song speaks about apocalypses, ends of the world, and impersonates the ever-growing number of people that are obsessed with all these matters. Enjoy it!
If you can't wait for the End of the World with morbidity and joy, this is your song!! Get ready!!
But don't worry, we do this to be sure we will deliver a full great album, something to be proud of, and not some "almost-done" work that won't get us all the satisfation that a well-done one brings. We are studying a release of some songs in the meanwhile, to keep things warmed up. Check us from time to time, we will be updating news!
Hi everybody! As an appetizer for the upcoming album "Apocalyptophilia" due to be published during Q4 2012, A.T.Mödell releases on Sep 21th 2012 a fully remastered special edition of their debut album "Noise Therapy", including a bonus CD containing 10 songs and remixes created by Julio Nexus [INTERFRONT]. This edition, labelled "Noise Therapy - Special Treatment" enhances all the audio and artwork to deliver a full sound experience at it should have been from the beginning. You can download it now under a Creative Commons NC-BY-SA license at the MEDIA section in this website, in both MP3 and CD-image format, with all the artwork included.
16 brand new songs of powerful electronic rythms and atmospheres that bring A.T.Mödell's own industrial style to a new level. Stay alert!
Stay tuned!
It will be free for download at the media section, in digital edition, and licensed under a Creative Commons NC-BY-SA license.
More info at Existence Festival
News, lives dates, videos, photos and, of course, music! Our work in your hands.
Have fun!